What is a Mitra?

‘Mitra’ is the Sanskrit word for ‘friend’. A Mitra is someone who has been practising at their local Triratna Buddhist Centre for a while and over that time has felt a connection deepening to the point at which they have decided they wish to make a commitment to the Buddha, his teachings (the Dharma) and the community of others who follow his teachings (the Sangha). To become a Mitra the person must be ready to state 3 things:-

  • I think of myself as a Buddhist.

  • I am trying to practice the Five Precepts that the Buddha gave for all his followers - a commitment to kindness, generosity, contentment, truthfulness and awareness.

  • I feel that the Triratna Buddhist Community is the main context in which I want to deepen my practice of the Precepts and of meditation.

The commitment is then made in a ritual way during a simple but heartfelt ceremony, witnessed by other Mitras, friends and Order Members.

If you would like to know more about what it means to take this step in becoming a Mitra, please contact the Centre Team who will put you in touch with one of our Mitra Convenors to discuss this further.